The science

Quartz has a strong game in the lithosphere (from where you stand to about 60 miles down); it’s the one of the most common minerals on the planet! What makes Quartz stand out in the rock world is that its ‘piezoelectric’. Big word, but stay with me here. ‘Piezoelectric’ means that Quartz is capable of creating its own electrical charge. Discovered in 1881 by the Curie Brothers (Jacques and Pierre, Pierre married Marie!), piezoelectricity is used in many practical ways to control radio frequency. When sliced, Quartz’s ability to contain a constant frequency is a function of the crystallographic orientation of the slicing. Now, go marvel at any wrist watch you have nearby (but keep in mind that’s likely synthetic quartz, not this beauty above!).



✨: Quartz literally and physically calls in the high vibes! With Quartz, we want to think about amplification. Quartz is going to amplify any hope or dreams we’re manifesting, but it’s also going to amplify our healing, guidance and grounding practices. Also, who doesn’t just want to stare at this beauty in their living room, or on their night stand? This is my absolute favorite crystal of all time, and will always, always have it in my life. The fact that Quartz truly is one of the most common crystals in the world tells us that there is plenty of crystalline support around us all of the time. With gratitude to you, Mother Gaia.

SiO2 / Amplification & Protection
