Pyrite comes from the Greek word “pyr”, meaning “fire”.

The science

If you remember anything from the Geology module in your High School Earth Science class, it’s probably identifying “Fool’s Gold”. Go, you! Geologists identify Pyrite from Gold by a couple of things: its brittle and hard (6-6.5 on the Mohs Scale), but also displays striations and is known as a polymorphic mineral. That’s right, our friend Pyrite’s chemical makeup (iron + sulfur) can also be found in an entirely different crystal, Marcasite, making it a polymorph. Beware, Marcasite is a fool’s fool’s gold because it’ll disintegrate more easily than Pyrite. We know Pyrite to have formed in both high and low temperatures, and is associated with igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic processes. It’s more prevalent than you’d think! Large deposits are found in Spain and Portugal, as well as here in the States - notably Virginia (lenticular masses), New York, Mass., Cali., CO. and AZ. Pyrite’s party trick? It sparks when struck.

Manifesting, SUCCESS, Powerful, Protection


Fool’s Gold, for sure, but hear me out first. Does it matter if it’s true Gold or not, if it helps you to believe you’re rich as a Queen or King? Pyrite is a total manifestor! Think about calling in confidence, Divine masculine, getting *hit done, leadership…everything you need when you’re calling the shots. Pyrite also increases blood flow to the brain, helping your wheels turn more efficiently and powerfully. Place some Pyrite on your desk (or proverbial desk) and get to work on planning that business, or making decisions for your place of business! Channel your inner pyro in a new way, my friends.

FeS2 / Manifesting, Powerful, Protection


